The Preachers' Aid Society of New England, Inc. is a Massachusetts (501)(c)(3) non-profit religious corporation. It is governed by a self-perpetuating Board of Directors who give freely of their time, talent and energy because of their deep personal commitment to the work of our pastors and their ministries. Each is chosen because he or she brings gifts to the work of the Board that contributes to the overall success of our mission. Those serving on the Board of Directors are:
Elizabeth Dallas - President of the Board of Directors
Winooski Vermont - Consultant
Lynn Matson - First Vice President of the Board of Directors
Belgrade Lakes - Maine - Retired Business Owner
Tracy Tarver - Second Vice President of the Board of Directors
Enfield Connecticut
Janice Schuster M.L.S. - Secretary of the Board of Directors
Easton, Massachusetts - Electronic Resources & Serials Librarian/Associate Professor, Providence College
Charles Emery – Treasurer of the Board of Directors
Nashua, New Hampshire
George Dow Sr.
Middleton, MA
Rich Hughen South Portland, ME
Ellen Jackson
Portland, ME
Cynthia Johnson
Belgrade Lakes, Maine—Retired Business Owner
April Morgan
Hampton, New Hampshire
Donald O’Keefe
Concord, New Hampshire— CEO, CFO Retired Banker
Wesley E. Palmer, D. Rel. (Ex-officio)
Wells, Maine—Executive Director PAS
Gwen Savych
Cambridge, Massachusetts
Jinsook Song
Peterborough, New Hampshire
Douglas Stevenson
Wayne, Maine
Douglas Verge
Hollis, New Hampshire— Attorney
The Preachers’ Aid Society of New England holds fiduciary relationships with or memberships in the following organizations:
American Council on Gift Annuities
National Association of United Methodist Foundations
United Methodist Federal Credit Union
United Methodist Foundation of New England (Annuity & Loan Administration)